Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I am neither honest nor humble

A lady:  I want an honest and humble man in my life.

Sri Sri:  I am neither honest nor humble. (everyone is shocked. ) I cannot tell everyone I am God, as not everyone will understand. So I am not honest. I am not humble - how can God be humble?

If I am humble, I am not honest.
If I am honest, I cannot be humble! (laugher )

Hide your dispassion and express your love. By expressing dispassion you lose enthusiasm in life. And by not expressing love you feel stifled. Expressing dispassion may bring ego. Hide dispassion in your heart life the roots of a tree and express love like a ripe fruit.

|| SUTRA ||

"Be content and serve. Anyway, those who are completely devoted to serving society, their needs are fulfilled even as they arise."-Sri Sri...

Monday, October 12, 2009

When we are upset it is an opportunity for us to know how much have we grown in knowledge...

After many years I have come here, after 6-7 years, Dresden is not the same place. So much transformation has taken place. So have we all, the human race, everyone changes. You are not the same person you were yesterday. What you were 10 months ago, you are not same today.

We all progress on the steps of evolution. Our body changes, mind changes, feelings change, thoughts change, - (looking into the crowd) Alice changes! But
there is one thing that does not change. Knowing it, recognizing it, holding on to it is what spirituality is.

To recognize change you need something that does not change.
Only that is eternal, stable. To feel stable in life you need to hook on to something that does not change. Because only that which is eternal, which is stable can bring relief, peace. No one is interested in temporary peace.

Ok! You tell me are you interested in 10 days peace? No. We want permanent, stable peace. That knowledge which gives such peace, such love that uplifts your spirit, I call it spirituality.

Momentarily some clouds may come. Your feelings may change but you gain some stability. Isn't it?

For that stability see life from a broader perspective. Learn to relax, meditate a few moments every day.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A birthday is a time for the wave to remember its magnanimity

The Sanskrit word for birthdays is Jayanti. Jayanti means the pinnacle of victory. Victory is always associated with duality, war, conflict, but birth is beyond conflict because it is celebration. This is when the ocean became the wave and will become ocean again after some years. A birthday is a time to remember that the Atman (Soul/Self) was free at one time, then took name and form and became an individual being. After so many years once again the wave will go back to the ocean.

Therefore a birthday is a time for the wave to remember its magnanimity; it's true nature that it is part of the universal spirit, divinity. Then the atman gets the strength of the ocean.

On Birthdays here we don't blow out candles but light lamps. We move from light to light. We rejoice in the memory of our true nature and pray for more and more victory in all aspects of our life so that we can do more service. Knowledge is when we remain happy in our true nature, which is love.

No celebration is complete without meditation. Meditation helps to seep the celebration/ happiness deeper into our being. So meditate 5-7 minutes whenever you celebrate.
(From the Office of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar)
© The Art of Living Foundation

Walk in life knowing that knowledge is life, and life is knowledge...

Posted: 05 Oct 2009 12:17 AM PDT

Q. What is Adhyatma (Spirituality)?
Sri Sri. Adhyatama/Spirituality is that which you know yourself, that which uplifts your Atman/Self.

Q. I can't meditate, please advise.
Sri Sri. When you watch TV, you get into meditation – There is no such thing that mind cannot meditate. Wherever your mind goes, whatever it likes, there meditation occurs. You need to move from "word' (shabdha) meditation to "wordless"(nishabhda) meditation. We separate life and knowledge, but walk in life knowing that knowledge is life, life is knowledge. Just as our relationships are manmade, join that relationship/connection with knowledge.

Q My nature is happiness but am overcome with periods of sadness – how do I overcome these periods?
Sri Sri. Offer them to the Divine. Do your practices and meditate. Sometimes waves of worry/sadness take over. Just know that it's a temporary phase, it's a passing cloud and it'll disappear.

Q. How do we overcome constant aimless feelings even though you're focused?
Sri Sri. Check to see how aimless your life was before knowledge. When you do so, you'll realize that knowledge has transformed your life. Superfluous interest in knowledge will make your life aimless. With deeper interest in knowledge you'll find life is so purposeful. If you think "what about me, what about me", life is useless, you may as well put it in garbage. Knowledge gives life direction – then you find life is so purposeful.

Q. People seek roles and positions and seek temporary power. Can you talk a little bit about this power?
Sri Sri. If you work, if you take responsibility, power comes along with it. If you don't work and don't take responsibility you are powerless. Responsibility is taken and you don't wait for someone to give you that power and we acknowledge that. It's the position not the person who has that power.

Q.How do you know when to be in activity (Pravrati) and when to be in non-activity/rest (Nivrati)?
Sri Sri. How do you know when to sleep, and when to eat? When you get tired, you know you need sleep, when you get hungry, you know its time to eat. Like that everyday take a break to be in meditation then you become recharged and can work better.

Q. What is the difference between ego and self-respect?
Sri Sri. In ego you need someone else. In self-respect, others are not needed, and no one can take it away from you.
(From the Office of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar)
© The Art of Living Foundation