Thursday, April 9, 2009

Faith of the Faithful

It takes a special faith to walk the spiritual Path. It is rare in this world. Without it, sooner or later people will fall away.

What is this faith?
Just this: A firm "knowing" that nothing in the material world will ever finally satisfy you, that what you seek is within.

Without this faith, you will not make time for your spiritual practices. You will always be too busy chasing some glitter in the world.

Jesus said, "The kingdome of God is within you." Yet we still pursue the objects. We forget that things do not create joy in us. A worldly attraction is like a mirage in the desert--it always evaporates once you reach it. Fleeting, unable to be possessed, it only hints of the heaven residing deep within us at all times.

It's so easy to find an excuse to fall away from our practices: I must work, I must go to the store, I must do this, I must do that..." Excuses mean we have more faith in the world and less in the spirit. Faith in the world causes unfaithfulness in our sadhana. We soon exhaust our joy and become tired.

After you bake in the desert long enough, you will eventually want to soak in the bliss of your Being. Again walk the Path in earnes--while maintaining your worldly duties. Gracefully balancing both, you become faithful to your Self. -- David Burge.

|| SUTRA ||

"Faith is the beginning, confidence is the result.” SRI SRI...

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