Monday, July 27, 2009

Reasons to be with a Guru

There are six main reasons to be with a Guru.

1. You would like to have your wishes fulfilled, and being with the guru is more pleasurable.

2. Everything else looks more painful to you and you come for comfort.

3. You want to evolve and become enlightened; you want to attain higher knowledge.

4. You have a vision or goal that you share with the guru, whome you see as a missionary or visionary.

5. You are there just to serve and to give comfort to the guru.

6. You are with the guru because you belong to the guru.
There is no choice.

“Leave all your worries here, however the past has been, it doesn’t matter. That’s all gone. And now, today”."-Sri Sri

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The FIVE Secrets

There are five secrets that are sacred and are guarded by the subtle beings and angels in the creation. They are:

1. Jananarahasya (the secret of birth) : Birth is a secret. How a soul takes a body, the criteria for selecting the place of birth, time of birth, type of body and parents are all a secret.

2. Maranarahasya (the secret of death) : Death is a highly guarded secret. Death remains a mystery. The process of separation of spirit from matter and its journey from then on is a secret.

3. Rajarahasya (the royal secret, the secret of ruling) : The principles of governing, the principles of maintaining orderliness in creation are a secret.

4. Prakritirahasya (the secret of nature) : Nature is a mystery. The more you know about nature, the more the mystery depends. The more a scientist knows the more he feels there is much more to know. Science though appearing to resolve the mystery in creation,has deepened it. The knowledge of particles, wave functions, black holes, the vacuum state have only deepened the mystery.

5. Mantrarahasya(the secret of mantras) : The mantras and their effect, influence, method and mode of working are all a mystery. Mantras are the impulses or rhythms of consciousness, which itself is a mystery.

Usually in the West, a secret is shameful and dishonest. But in the East, it is honored and regarded as sacred.

"If you are a giver you are always winning. If you are a taker then, without your knowledge, you are losing.” SRI SRI...


Intention keep the tension in.

Being hollow and empty means dropping all intensions. Within tension, rest does not become deep. But devotion dissolves intentions.

Intention pushes you to the future yet bliss is always in the present. The one who wakes up to this truth is wise. Occasionally, if an intention arises in a state of bliss, the intention manifests effortlessly.

The more intentions you have, the more, "in tension" you will be. To minimize your intentions could be your last intention.


"Laugh and make others laugh. Don't get entangled and don't entangle others."-Sri Sri...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Aggression as a way to overcome depression

Lack of idealism is the main cause of depression among youth today. Life appears to be so meaningless to these children, who are either too scared of the competitive world or too bogged down by heavy stimuli. They need an inspiration, and spirituality is the inspiration that can keep the spirit up!

Aggression is the antidote to depression.Depression sets in if there is a lack zeal to fight.Depression is the lack of energy; anger andaggression are a bolt of energy.
When Arjuna was depressed, Krishna inspired him to fight and thus reinstated life back into Arjuna.

If you are depressed, do not take Prozac - just fight for any cause.

If aggression crosses a certain limit, it leads you back into depression. That is what happened with King Ashoka who won the Kalinga war but became depressed. He had to take refuge in Budha.

Wise are those who do not fall either into aggression or depression. That is the golden rule of a Yogi.

Just wake up and acknowledge you are a Yogi.

"Don't be greedy of your gains. Whatever you may gain, you will leave it all here and go ! When you go, you will go with your hands empty!.” SRI SRI...

Think Fresh

To think fresh you need to be free of all impressions.

Let go of all impressions right this moment and be hollow and empty. When you have a word, the sound conveys the meaning instantaneously. Similarly, the knowledge that you are sitting, standing or talking needs neither confirmation nor proof.

Just an intention to be free makes you free right away. Realization that freedom is your very nature brings enormous Shakti (energy).

Forget about this knowledge sheet and be fresh!(Laughter)

"The path is very long, the goal is in every momemnt, the goal is where you are.” SRI SRI...