Thursday, December 31, 2009
New year message from Guruji
Friday, December 4, 2009
Excerpts from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s opening address at the Parliament of World Religions 2009 at Melbourne, Australia on December 3, 2009
Excerpts from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's opening address at the Parliament of World Religions 2009 at Melbourne, Australia on December 3, 2009
The purpose of religion is to bring enlightenment to the individual, and happiness in society, and to move from limited individual identity, to universality and communion with the Divine. When at a time these ideals are far from reality, congregations such as these where people of all faiths gather together, have great responsibility to ponder on the pressing issues. It is a necessity for survival of our planet. Faith and Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) are a powerful tool of transformation in society. Though we have moved away from the blemish of medieval conflicts to a more tolerant and co-operative society, FBOs have the responsibility to make a happy society.
Even if part of the planet thinks they are going to heaven, and the others are going to go to hell, they will create a hell for everyone.
We need multicultural and multi-religious education to reach every nook and corner of the planet.
Violence is appalling today, whether it is domestic violence or societal violence – we see it in every newspaper column, and a sort of pride is being attached to violence. In school classrooms, violent children are considered heroes.
When we were growing up, we grew up with stories about Mahatma Gandhi, about ahimsa, non-violence. If someone lost their temper, people thought they needed to see a psychologist, that there was something wrong. Today, even with our heroes in movies, there is a culture of glorifying violence, which we need to turn around - and that responsibility is on us, the faith-based community.
There are two types of violence in the world today – religious violence, which we are all aware of, but also leftist violence. In India, Naxals control 212 of the country's 604 districts.
Spirituality needs to reach these areas, but we all have to do this work. Even in Columbia, South America, they are also affected by violence. FBOs have to play a role.
As I listened to the symphony this evening, I looked at these beautiful singers and artists, all playing their own tune, but all looking at the conductor.
All religious leaders have to take on this role. We cannot lose sight of that one Divinity, which has created this beautiful diversity. Otherwise we won't have a symphony, we will have a chaos.
The world has witnessed so much chaos, now let's focus on one conductor – GOD – Generator, Operator and Destroyer. Focus on one aspect, but play your instrument. There is no threat to any tradition, to any culture, if we are all uplifted in human values, in communion of One, which is in the heart of each and every one of us.
I am reminded of the Kumbh Mela, which has been going on for thousands of years. When I was at the last Kumbh Mela, I saw something amazing. 30 million people congregate there, and yet there is no crime, no violence, no stealing. Imagine that people can have this faith.
Once at the Kumbh Mela, it was very cold in the night, it was January. We went out to distribute some blankets. We saw a young boy, who had just crossed his 20s – he was wearing some shorts, underclothes, and we offered him a blanket. He said, "I don't need it, I can manage, but under the bridge there are many elderly women, they need it more than me. Please give it to them."
That sense of belongingness with each other, helping each other - only FBOs can bring this feeling on this planet.
Once again, I congratulate all of you for venturing on this noble work of reforming society and uniting with the ever-present being within all of us.
We need to ponder on issues relating to the environment, children, agriculture. The word "Parliament" is really scary! Rather, I would call this a family reunion, because there is more conflict in parliament. A reunion of all faith-based organizations to deal with the problem of depression.
WHO has said that depression will soon be the second biggest killer in the world. Popping Prozac is not enough. It was so painful to hear from our sister from Afghanistan that a whole generation is suffering from depression. 92 percent of Palestine is depressed. 160 billion Euros is being spent on mental health care in the EU alone.
We need to get out of this vicious circle. Many have good cars, good jobs, but if depressed, it's like dressing a corpse, putting make-up on a corpse.
We need to attend to the human values, and how we can elevate the spirit to move out of this deep depression and anxiety, and violence.
Let's all brainstorm something concrete, to bring back to every nook and corner of this planet.
"That which you cannot express is Love.That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth."
~ Sri Sri
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Reverence & Ownership
Often you do not have reverence for that which you own, and losing that reverence happens unconsciously.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Fwd: Hungry for Power
If you do not have a love or a passion to bring about a transformation in society, then you are hungry for power.
You & Ownership
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I am neither honest nor humble
Monday, October 12, 2009
When we are upset it is an opportunity for us to know how much have we grown in knowledge...
We all progress on the steps of evolution. Our body changes, mind changes, feelings change, thoughts change, - (looking into the crowd) Alice changes! But there is one thing that does not change. Knowing it, recognizing it, holding on to it is what spirituality is.
To recognize change you need something that does not change. Only that is eternal, stable. To feel stable in life you need to hook on to something that does not change. Because only that which is eternal, which is stable can bring relief, peace. No one is interested in temporary peace.
Ok! You tell me are you interested in 10 days peace? No. We want permanent, stable peace. That knowledge which gives such peace, such love that uplifts your spirit, I call it spirituality.
Momentarily some clouds may come. Your feelings may change but you gain some stability. Isn't it?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
A birthday is a time for the wave to remember its magnanimity
Therefore a birthday is a time for the wave to remember its magnanimity; it's true nature that it is part of the universal spirit, divinity. Then the atman gets the strength of the ocean.
On Birthdays here we don't blow out candles but light lamps. We move from light to light. We rejoice in the memory of our true nature and pray for more and more victory in all aspects of our life so that we can do more service. Knowledge is when we remain happy in our true nature, which is love.
No celebration is complete without meditation. Meditation helps to seep the celebration/ happiness deeper into our being. So meditate 5-7 minutes whenever you celebrate.
(From the Office of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar)
© The Art of Living Foundation
Walk in life knowing that knowledge is life, and life is knowledge...
Posted: 05 Oct 2009 12:17 AM PDT
Q. What is Adhyatma (Spirituality)?Sri Sri. Adhyatama/Spirituality is that which you know yourself, that which uplifts your Atman/Self.
Q. I can't meditate, please advise.
Sri Sri. When you watch TV, you get into meditation – There is no such thing that mind cannot meditate. Wherever your mind goes, whatever it likes, there meditation occurs. You need to move from "word' (shabdha) meditation to "wordless"(nishabhda) meditation. We separate life and knowledge, but walk in life knowing that knowledge is life, life is knowledge. Just as our relationships are manmade, join that relationship/connection with knowledge.
Q My nature is happiness but am overcome with periods of sadness – how do I overcome these periods?
Sri Sri. Offer them to the Divine. Do your practices and meditate. Sometimes waves of worry/sadness take over. Just know that it's a temporary phase, it's a passing cloud and it'll disappear.
Q. How do we overcome constant aimless feelings even though you're focused?
Sri Sri. Check to see how aimless your life was before knowledge. When you do so, you'll realize that knowledge has transformed your life. Superfluous interest in knowledge will make your life aimless. With deeper interest in knowledge you'll find life is so purposeful. If you think "what about me, what about me", life is useless, you may as well put it in garbage. Knowledge gives life direction – then you find life is so purposeful.
Q. People seek roles and positions and seek temporary power. Can you talk a little bit about this power?
Sri Sri. If you work, if you take responsibility, power comes along with it. If you don't work and don't take responsibility you are powerless. Responsibility is taken and you don't wait for someone to give you that power and we acknowledge that. It's the position not the person who has that power.
Q.How do you know when to be in activity (Pravrati) and when to be in non-activity/rest (Nivrati)?
Sri Sri. How do you know when to sleep, and when to eat? When you get tired, you know you need sleep, when you get hungry, you know its time to eat. Like that everyday take a break to be in meditation then you become recharged and can work better.
Q. What is the difference between ego and self-respect?
Sri Sri. In ego you need someone else. In self-respect, others are not needed, and no one can take it away from you.
(From the Office of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar)
© The Art of Living Foundation
Friday, September 25, 2009
A sign of intelligence is how soon you arrive at this understanding. Examine everything in life and say "This is nothing" and what remains in love, and that is everything.
When "This is nothing" does not come out of knowledge, it comes out of misery. Either through knowledge or through misery, you come to the point of "This is nothing, this is nothing." The choice is yours.
If you got this, it is really NOTHING. If you did not get this, never mind - this is nothing (laughter)
|| SUTRA ||
Krishna is inside you. God, the Divine is inside you. Have a inner connection with the Divine."-Sri Sri
Desire for Truth
Buddha said that desire is the cause of all misery. If your desire does not get fulfilled, it leads to frustration and causes misery. Even if it does get fulfilled, it leaves you empty.
Is the Guru responsible?
Is the Guru responsible for your enlightenment?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
1. Information - Often we think information is education, but it is only one aspect of education.
2. Concepts - Concepts are the basis for all research. You need to conceive in order to create.
3. Attitude - An integral aspect of education is cultivating the right attitude. Proper attitude at the right time and place determines your actions and behavior.
4. Imagination - Imagination is essential for creativity, for the arts. But if you get stuck in imagination, you can become psychotic.
5. Freedom - Freedom is your very nature. Only with freedom do joy, generosity and other human values blossom. Without freedom, attitudes become stifling, concepts become a burden, information is of no value and imagination becomes stagnant.
|| SUTRA ||
" Prayer is not asking for something, Prayer is gratefulness, a recognition of the huge tidal waves of Love that God is pouring on you every moment.."-Sri Sri
Examine your life and identify all that changes as not truth. With this outlook, you will find that you are surrounded by only untruth.
When you identify that which appears to you as untruth, then you will become free from it. When you do not identify the untruth, you cannot become free from it. Your own experiences in life make you identify your own untruth.
As you mature in life, you find everything is untruth - events, situations, people, emotions, thoughts, opinions, concepts, your body - everything is untruth. It is only then that satsang (the company of truth) happens in the real sense. For example, a mother cannot see the child as untruth until the child becomes an adult. For a baby, sweet is not untruth, and for a teenager, sex is not untruth.
Question: Is knowledge also untruth?
Sri Sri : Yes, if it is words, it is untruth. But as existence, it is truth. Love as an emotion is not truth; as existence, it is truth.
|| SUTRA ||
"The Path of Love is not a tedious path. It's a path of Joy, singing and dancing. It's not desert. It is a valley of flowers."-Sri Sri
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Seekers Beware
You can only seek that which you know and when you really do know, you already have it.
You cannot seek something you do not know.
Whatever you are seeking and wherever you seek, it is always only One; and the One is what you already are.
So, you cannot seek something you do not know and when you know what you are seeking, you already have it. When you seek the world, you get misery and when you want to find the way out of misery, you find the Divine.
A man lost a penny and was seeking it in a bush when he found a huge treasure. He was not seeking treasure but only for his lost penny. In the same way, when you seek something, you may get something else.
The truth, or Self, cannot be sought directly.
Dean: Many people come to the Art of Living seeking some mundane thing and find something else.
"A good leader should be multidimensional and should see from the other's point of view."-Sri Sri
Friday, August 14, 2009
Ram Navami
That which shines forth within me is Rama. That which is radiant in every particle of the being is Rama.Rama was born to Dasharatha and Kaushalya.
Dasharatha means "the ten-charioted one" in Sanskrit.
It signifies the five sense organs and the five organs of action.
Kaushalya is Sanskrit for "skilled." The skillful driver of the ten chariot can give birth to Ram.
When the five sense organs and the five organs of action are used skillfully, radiance is born within.
Rama was born in Ayodhya, which in Sanskrit means "the place where no war can happen." When there is no conflict in our mind, then radiance can dawn.Lakshmana, the brother of Rama, was born of Sumitra - the good friend.
When the ten are cooperating with you, awareness is born.Often we try to look for radiance within. Just realize that you are radiant.
Once when Sri Sri was 5 or 6 years old, he closed his eyes and said to a visiting saint, "Swamiji, I do not see any light." The saint replied, "You are the light! How can you see the light?"
“We need to educate people in human values like friendliness, compassion, cooperation, a sense of belonging and spirituality.” -Sri Sri
Monday, August 3, 2009
Form and formless, aggression and intuition
Feelings have no form but their expressions have form.
The Self has no form but its abode has form.Similarly, wisdom and grace have no form but are expressed through form.
Desicarding the formless, you become inert, materialistic and paranoid.
Discarding the form, you become a lost ascetic, a space cadet or an emotional wreck!Aggression and intuitionAggression and assertiveness overshadow intuition.
Often, people who are sensitive tend to become aggressive in order to avoid being hurt.
In this process, they lose sight of their fine intuition.Fine intuition needs sensitivity, but sensitivity is often painful.
In order to avoid pain one becomes aggresive and assertive, and in turn loses one's intuition ability.Intuition is close to the truth.
Often, aggression and assertiveness thrive on the idea of truthfulness - an aggressive person is convinced of the rightness of his position.
To be truthful, you do not need to be aggressive and assertive.
In everything in this creation there is Divine Love. Love is the highest force, the greatest force, and the simplest."-Sri Sri
Monday, July 27, 2009
Reasons to be with a Guru
1. You would like to have your wishes fulfilled, and being with the guru is more pleasurable.
2. Everything else looks more painful to you and you come for comfort.
3. You want to evolve and become enlightened; you want to attain higher knowledge.
4. You have a vision or goal that you share with the guru, whome you see as a missionary or visionary.
5. You are there just to serve and to give comfort to the guru.
6. You are with the guru because you belong to the guru.
“Leave all your worries here, however the past has been, it doesn’t matter. That’s all gone. And now, today”."-Sri Sri
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The FIVE Secrets
1. Jananarahasya (the secret of birth) : Birth is a secret. How a soul takes a body, the criteria for selecting the place of birth, time of birth, type of body and parents are all a secret.
2. Maranarahasya (the secret of death) : Death is a highly guarded secret. Death remains a mystery. The process of separation of spirit from matter and its journey from then on is a secret.
3. Rajarahasya (the royal secret, the secret of ruling) : The principles of governing, the principles of maintaining orderliness in creation are a secret.
4. Prakritirahasya (the secret of nature) : Nature is a mystery. The more you know about nature, the more the mystery depends. The more a scientist knows the more he feels there is much more to know. Science though appearing to resolve the mystery in creation,has deepened it. The knowledge of particles, wave functions, black holes, the vacuum state have only deepened the mystery.
5. Mantrarahasya(the secret of mantras) : The mantras and their effect, influence, method and mode of working are all a mystery. Mantras are the impulses or rhythms of consciousness, which itself is a mystery.
Usually in the West, a secret is shameful and dishonest. But in the East, it is honored and regarded as sacred.
"If you are a giver you are always winning. If you are a taker then, without your knowledge, you are losing.” SRI SRI...
Being hollow and empty means dropping all intensions. Within tension, rest does not become deep. But devotion dissolves intentions.
Intention pushes you to the future yet bliss is always in the present. The one who wakes up to this truth is wise. Occasionally, if an intention arises in a state of bliss, the intention manifests effortlessly.
The more intentions you have, the more, "in tension" you will be. To minimize your intentions could be your last intention.
"Laugh and make others laugh. Don't get entangled and don't entangle others."-Sri Sri...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Aggression as a way to overcome depression
Aggression is the antidote to depression.Depression sets in if there is a lack zeal to fight.Depression is the lack of energy; anger andaggression are a bolt of energy.
When Arjuna was depressed, Krishna inspired him to fight and thus reinstated life back into Arjuna.
If you are depressed, do not take Prozac - just fight for any cause.
If aggression crosses a certain limit, it leads you back into depression. That is what happened with King Ashoka who won the Kalinga war but became depressed. He had to take refuge in Budha.
Wise are those who do not fall either into aggression or depression. That is the golden rule of a Yogi.
Just wake up and acknowledge you are a Yogi.
"Don't be greedy of your gains. Whatever you may gain, you will leave it all here and go ! When you go, you will go with your hands empty!.” SRI SRI...
Think Fresh
Let go of all impressions right this moment and be hollow and empty. When you have a word, the sound conveys the meaning instantaneously. Similarly, the knowledge that you are sitting, standing or talking needs neither confirmation nor proof.
Just an intention to be free makes you free right away. Realization that freedom is your very nature brings enormous Shakti (energy).
Forget about this knowledge sheet and be fresh!(Laughter)
"The path is very long, the goal is in every momemnt, the goal is where you are.” SRI SRI...
Monday, June 8, 2009
Life is a war
Doctors fight against disease.
Lawyers fight against injustice.
Teachers fight against ignorance.
Depression happes when you lose the will to fight. Arjuna was depressed; he did not want to fight. His bow fell from his hands and his fingers trembled. Krishna urged him to wake up and fight! The decision to fight can take away your depression as it did for Arjuna.Bharat: Fight until you give up.
Prashant: Not give up...give in ! (laughter)Even your body is a battlefield.
SUTRA "You are total. You are full. You have all that you need. Do not underestimate yourself.” SRI SRI...
Two Anecdotes
The person replied, "Don't punish me, Guruji, I won't make the mistake again."
After some time, Sri Sri asked another person who had made a mistake, "And what punishment can I give you?"
With a bright smiled Nityanand replied, "Any punishment, Guruji."
At this Sri Sri turned to the rest of us with a smile and said, "See, he is so cofident of my love for him that he is not afraid of any punishment."Where there is love, there is no fear.Do not be afraid of being punished by God.
Trust in the love that He has for you.
SUTRA "There is something in you that is beyond death. And that is before birth, also..” SRI SRI...
Compassion and Karma
An ignorant person's compassion is toward the fruit of an action - the sickness or suffering that he witnesses. But a wise person's compassion is toward the lack of knowledge - the underlying reason for sickness or suffering.
Compassion for suddering shows ignorance. Suffering comes because of karma, and if you believe in karma, where is compassion? One reaps the fruit of one's actions.
If a judge has compassion for all the offenders, then the jails will be empty. At the same time, are the judges cruel to the offenders? No. The judges' compassion is for the lack of knowledge, not for the suffering of the criminals. It is the criminals' karma.
Often people think compassion is an act, and action. Know that compassion is your very nature. Then you will see that karma and compassion are not contradictory but complement each other.
Suppose two people come to a hospital. One is suffering from starvation, the other is ill from overeating. What type of compassion should the doctor have toward each of them? This is a riddle for you to solve!
"You are the source of enthusiasm - undying enthusiasm, ever new enthusiasm, ever new spirit.” SRI SRI...
Monday, June 1, 2009
Self is subtle. To go from gross to subtle you go through the finest relative - the atom. To overcome aversion, hatred, jealousy, attraction or entanglements, you have to go to the atom. Going to the atom means accepting a teeny tiny bit of all this.
It may be difficult to accept something that you do not like but you can definitely accept a teeny tiny bit of it - an atom. The moment you accept that one atom, you will see change happen. This has to be done in a meditative state.
Suppose you love someone. You want more and more of them, yet there is no fulfillment. In Anu vrat - the vow of an atom - you take just one atom of that person and that is enough to bring fulfillment to you.
Though the river is vast, a little sip quenches your thirst. Though Earth has so much food, just a little bite satisfies your hunger. All that you need are tiny bits. Accept a tiny bit of everything in life - that will bring you fulfillment.
Stephano: What about trouble?
There is so much trouble in the world, you can accept just a tiny part of it.
Tonight go to bed feeling that you are satisfied, taking a tiny part of divinity with you. Satisfaction comes from the subtle and not from "more and more."
Question: What about giving?
You take a tiny part, and the rest you give away.
|| SUTRA ||
"Make your body God's abode and there will be Peace and Joy” SRI SRI...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
What enhances your beauty
The worldly mind is a complaining mind; the Divine mind is a dancing mind. Complaining without indicating a solution is irresponsibility. A person who does not take action to correct something has no right to complain. And when a person can act and correct, he will not complain. If the solutions are not workable, finding alternative solutions is courage.
Complaining is a sign of weakness, the nature of utter ignorance when one does not know the Self. Complaints take away the Beauty that is inborn in you--and this shows up more on one who walks the Path.
For external beauty, you put on things; for real Beauty, you have to drop all things (including your complaints).
For external beauty, you have make-up;
For real Beauty, realize you are already "made up"!
|| SUTRA ||
"You are the goal. You are the past, present and future.” SRI SRI...
Drop your Self-Image
Sri Sri: Become me.
Rama: How do we become you?
What stands between you and me is your self-image. Your self-image restricts you from being me. Your self-image, whether good or bad, causes misery.
When you think good about yourself, in a subtle manner you think bad about others. Then feelings like anger, jealousy, and hatred follows.
When you think bad about yourself, you feel low, and again you start getting angry and hating everyone.
When you think good about yourself,
you are in trouble.
When you think bad about yourself,
you are in greater trouble.
So drop your self-image.
|| SUTRA ||
"Being more aware in life and laughing every moment, we pass through this world. That is growth, that is blossoming in our personality.” SRI SRI...
The World Belongs to You
All your miseries surround the I,I,I. "I want this, I like that, I don't like this..."
Just let go. The sun rises and sets, the grass grows, the river flows, the moon shines, and I am here forever!
How do you feel if someone praises you?
Answers: Shy, happy, great, embarrassed...
It does something to you, doesn't it? But it doesn't do anything to me! When you praise the moon, the mountains, Lake Lucerne, the Black doesn't do anything to them. They remain the same. Just like that, I am part of nature. If you enjoy praising me, you may do so. In fact, you have no choice! (laughter)
You can do with me whatever you like; I am there for you. I am your toy!
|| SUTRA ||
"Only speak knowledge. Do not repeat anything bad that someone tells you about someone else.” SRI SRI...
Dedication and Commitment
In the same way, your dedication and commitment run out in the course of time and need constant renewal! You have to dedicate and rededicate, again and again.
Often people take their dedication for granted; then the mind starts to demand or complain. When your dedication is not full, it leads to grumbling and complaints.
Total dedication brings enormous enthusiasm, zeal, trust, and challenge--and does not leave any room for ego.
|| SUTRA ||
"In GURU Shakti, all three Shaktis (Brahma Shakti, Vishnu Shakti & Shiva Shakti)have fully blossomed.” SRI SRI...
The Way Out of Sorrow
Tapas (penance)
Vairagya (dispassion)
Sharanagati (surrender)
Tapas is agreeing with the moment, total acceptance of all pleasant or unpleasant situations.
Vairagya means I want nothing and I am nothing.
Sharanagati is I am here for you, for your joy.
If you are grumbling, then these are lacking. When you accept the situation, when you take it as tapas, you cannot grumble; when you come from a state of dispassion ( I don't want anything), you don't grumble; and if you are surrendered, you will have no complaints.
If you don't do it willingly, you will do it later in desperation.
First you will say, "Nothing can be done." Then later in anger and desperation you will say, " I give up, I want nothing, I have no choice--to hell with it!"
All these three--penance, dispassion, and surrender--they purify your mind and uplift you in joy.
|| SUTRA ||
"A wise one is happy even in bad times. And the ignorant one is unhappy even in good times, you make the time good or bad.” SRI SRI...
How to Conquer jealousy or envy
1. Know that the person of whom you are jealous or envious has done some good karma in the past and is now reaping the fruit.
2. See it as an inspiration to gain merit yourself.
3. Create a sense of belongingness with them. See that they are a part of you.
4. Think of all you have that they do not have and feel grateful.
5. Observe the sensations.
6. Join hands and form a team with them.
7. Realize that in the current of moving time all will perish.
8. Think of everyone who is jealous of you for what you have and see that what they envy has not brought you joy.
9. Go and ask them, "Are you happy?"
Caroline : And what if they say, "Yes"?
If the anser is "yes" then they must be in the Art of Living! (laughter)
Ananda : What should you do if others are jealous or envious of you?
1. Praise them in superlatives.
2. Create a sense of belongingness in them by your kind actions.
3. Know that their feelings are temporary.
4. The best is not to recognize their envy or jealousy at all. If you recognize a feeling as a reality, it only makes your ignorance grow.
5. Know that all feelings and emotions are just passing clouds.
6. Do not show off your talents to them.
7. Know that they are puppets. THey will all perish like apples and tomatoes--just with a longer shelf life. (laughter)
If nothing else works, just go to sleep (Shirley: And don't forget to take a pillow)
|| SUTRA ||
"Move on & be free. Stop looking for more, then you will be free & compassion will flow from you ” SRI SRI...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Every Stone is Precious
Certain stones he uses for the foundations. These never appear outside.
From certain stones which are good to carve, the sculptor makes the walls and pillars of the temple.
from other stones he makes the steps.
Certain stones become the tower of the temple.
Only those stones which are extremely suitable for carving will become installed as the Deity.
WHen a stone becomes part of the temple, it no longer remains stone; it becomes sculpture, art-it becomes the Living Deity.
In the same way, many people come to the Master. According to the degree of their surrender, they are installed by the Master.
All are essential.
If there were no steps, how could a person reach the temple?
If there were no foundation, how could the temple be there at all?
What can a tower do without pillars?
For a sculptor, each stone is precious and valuable.
|| SUTRA ||
"Sacrifice never goes unrewarded. It brings strength in life & takes you to a higher level. Sacrifice makes you sacred. Become sacred” SRI SRI...
The Divine Beyond Time
When the time is good, even a foe will behave like a friend. When the time is not good, even a friend will behave like a foe. The wise believe in Mahakala (the Grand time or Shiva )--the Divine beyond time.
In the world of time, there is always room for improvement. Only Being is perfect all the time.
Take refuge in Being and become incorrigible.
"All of your work & talents are for others. If you don't make use of your talents, they will not be given to you again.” SRI SRI...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Note from a devotee
1. Get into an argument.
2. Say nothing, and silently wish the person health and happiness.
3. Say nothing, but wish you had.
4. Envision your life without your Guru and allow the tears of love to speak for you. --Kevin Hopf
|| SUTRA ||
“If your level of prana is high, you can sustain a smile through whatever may come.” SRI SRI...
Where is He?
God comes in the form of food.
To the helpless newborn child,
God comes as mother.
To the sincere seeker of Truth,
God comes as Guru.
--Joe Hardy
|| SUTRA ||
See a mistake as a mistake, not as "my" or "his" mistake. "My" means guilt; "his" means anger.” SRI SRI...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Cast Your Vote to the Right Candidate who can lead our Nation with long term vision and short term actions
In this 15th loksabha election,
You are requested to Cast Your Vote to the Candidate who has the social commitment irrespective of any Political part interests or vested interests.
We need an India free from terrorism, communalism and anti social/humanitarian actions.
We need India with good leaders who can control terrorism, who have a vision of happy and prosperous future (where we live with calm and peaceful atmosphere) and activities to materialise the long-term vision in short term action plans.
The short tem plans should focus on all type of people irrespective of cast, community, wealth, physical health, labour class, gender, poor or rich.
Activities should focus on ensuring clean and safe drinking water, air, soil, atmosphere, production of non-toxic food through organic based farming – zero budget farming, farming following sustainable agricultural practices based on scientific principles, which promotes more employment opportunities;
non-agricultural but natural resourse based development opportunities- ensures health and safety; Ensuring Forest, Environment and Natural resourse protection- special consideration to wildlife
ensuring infra-structure development activities – with careful utilisation of nature and natural resources;
Ensuring protection and promotion of traditional culture and living practices – for promotion of sharing of love and affection among human beings;
ensuring the freedom to hold any belief system – which practices communal harmony etc.
We need India to become No.1 in all fields but through Sustainable development Practices and living styles.
With love and regards,
Add to read : THE POWER OF YOUR VOTE - previous blogs
Thursday, April 9, 2009
How to deal with rude behaviour?
SRI SRI: What do you do when someone behaves very rudely towards you?
Get upset
React rudely back
Get frustrated
Run away and avoid the person or situation
Blame the person
Preach to the person
None of these will in any way strengthen you.
It indicates the intensity of their commitment
It indicates their stress and insensitivity
It projects the upbringing of the person
It shows a behavioural pattern
It shows lack of observation of the mind and its sensations
It shows you behaviour to avoid
It is an opportunity for you to welcome and absorb the rudeness
It strengthens your mind
It reveals the love that you are as unconditional
The next time when someone is rude to you, just give back a broad smile. If you can digest their rudeness, nothing whatsoever can shake you.
Faith of the Faithful
What is this faith?
Just this: A firm "knowing" that nothing in the material world will ever finally satisfy you, that what you seek is within.
Without this faith, you will not make time for your spiritual practices. You will always be too busy chasing some glitter in the world.
Jesus said, "The kingdome of God is within you." Yet we still pursue the objects. We forget that things do not create joy in us. A worldly attraction is like a mirage in the desert--it always evaporates once you reach it. Fleeting, unable to be possessed, it only hints of the heaven residing deep within us at all times.
It's so easy to find an excuse to fall away from our practices: I must work, I must go to the store, I must do this, I must do that..." Excuses mean we have more faith in the world and less in the spirit. Faith in the world causes unfaithfulness in our sadhana. We soon exhaust our joy and become tired.
After you bake in the desert long enough, you will eventually want to soak in the bliss of your Being. Again walk the Path in earnes--while maintaining your worldly duties. Gracefully balancing both, you become faithful to your Self. -- David Burge.
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"Faith is the beginning, confidence is the result.” SRI SRI...
The music of life
Once we catch hold of the rhythm, the Master skillfully steps back to let the music flow. --Andrew Behla
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"Life is a package of surprise gifts for you.” SRI SRI...
Monday, April 6, 2009
politicians won't be able to get votes through divisive politics. In such a situation, the only way for them to win votes would be through good performance.
As citizens, we must protect our country from those who manipulate issues for their personal gains and who lead by playing vote-bank politics. Those with vested interests support insensible decisions and oppose sensible ones. We have to steer clear of such leaders. We must encourage broad-minded politicians and leaders to come forward and take charge, and to educate and uplift the society - spiritually, morally and socially.
We need leaders who are satya-darshi (truthful), sam-darshi (equanimous), priya-darshi (pleasant), paar-darshi (transparent) and door-darshi (visionary).So, before we elect our leaders, we should examine their qualifications.
We must elect leaders who will do away with policies based on caste, creed, religion and region; who will ensure that every child gets a multi-cultural, multi-dimensional education.
We need leadership with a mission and a vision, leadership with a spirit of sacrifice, compassion and commitment. We must choose leaders who have a long-term vision and short-term plans to achieve it. They should have great
personal integrity, and place the country before themselves.
Unfortunately, most of our politicians lack a sense of sacrifice and inclusiveness. Irrespective of the party they belong to, people perceive politicians as insincere. Today, people are fed up of them. This is when apathy
sets in among people. They dismiss politics as a whole and withdraw from their basic duty of voting.
Our votes are an important tool to bring about a change in the system; they give us an opportunity to raise our voice against injustice. But many of us have developed a chalta hai attitude, because we fail to see the power of our
votes. This attitude is dangerous for the country. By not voting we are encouraging the status quo.
Each one of us must not only vote but also encourage others around us to vote. When good, intelligent and well-educated people don't vote, they play into the hands of politicians, who use money and vote bank politics to seize power. People should not lose hope. Good politicians exist. And they must be given a chance to do the best they can for the country, for its people.
We have seen the shortcomings of capitalism, communism and socialism. Now is the time for humanism and spiritualism. Politics without humanism and spiritualism is bound to be dirty. Many people believe that spiritualism is not for this world, that it is not a practical tool to bring about societal transformation. But that's a misconception. Mahatma Gandhi was spiritual. He conducted satsangs every day and played an important role in bringing freedom
for our country.
That is why today we need leaders who have a spirit of sacrifice, and who are spiritual in their outlook, to enter politics.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Why are you still frustrated?
You've got a cup, and you drink of, joy, peace, contentment. After the Art of Living course, your cup, as they say, runneth over. And for some time you are fine, everything is hunky-dory and pip-pop. Then a bit of anger or frustration creeps in.
Well... are you doing SEVA??? Your cup is too small for you now! You want--you need--more. Doing sadhana and Satsang fills the cup, but seva gets you a new bigger cup. A few hours of seva can push your consciousness into samadhi.
Do seva. Get a bigger cup. Do sadhana and satsang and fill it up. Then drink and enjoy...(hic!) Get it!!!??! ---Bawa
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“Weigh your words before you speak them out. They are pearls of your life. Dont throw them; dont lose them for nothing.” SRI SRI...
Unending Wealth
We cannot take any worldly treasures with us when we die, but the wealth from sadhana stays with us always!
--Craig and Jenny Pruess
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“Respect everyone as you respect me, but do not expect from everyone what you expect from me.” SRI SRI...
Jai Gurudev :)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Five Aspects of the Universe
1) Asti (is-ness)
2) bhati (knowledge, expression)
3) preti (love)
4) nama (name)
and 5) rupa (form).
Matter has two aspects : nama and rupa (name and form).
Consciousness has three aspects: asti (is-ness), bhati (it knows and expresses), and preti (it is loving).
This is the secret of the whole universe.
Maya (ignorance or delusion) is not being aware of the three aspects of consciousness and getting caught up in the names and forms of matter.
Question: Why are we imperfect?
Sri Sri: SO that we can grow to perfection. Life is a movement from imperfection to perfection. A seed contains the tree, but to become a tree it must cease to be a seed. In life you can either see imperfection at every step, or you can see a movement from one perfection to another pefection.
Wherever you put your attention, that will grow. If you put your attention on the lack of something, the lack will increase.
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“Take life as it comes. Sometimes you are upset or anger; its ok to be upset or anger. Life does not stop for anything; just moves on. So, just move with the flow .” SRI SRI...
Self Reliance and Surrender
Surrender needs less courage.
A person who cannot surrender cannot be self-reliant either. If you don't have enough courage to surrender, then it is not possible to be self-reliant; you simply fool yourself. If you don't have a hundred dollars, you cannot have a thousand dollars. Even a little fear is detrimental to self-reliance.
Self-reliance contains surrender. Fifity dollars contains ten dollars.
Often people think that surrender is a way to escape from their responsibilities, then they end up blaming the Divine for all their problems. In fact, true surrender is taking total responsibility for everything.
Sussannah: How can we do that?
Sri Sri: You take responsibility and you pray for help.
Surrender eventually leads you to self-reliance because there is nothing other than the Big Self.
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“This is the role of knowledge: in knowledge, you smile and laugh at the event. You grow out of the event with the power of knowledge..” SRI SRI...
Accept the World at Its Worst
What would you do with it?
You should not complain if you get the worst. If you have received the worst, then things can only get better. And you are here to make it better.
Jim: When things are their very worst, there is only time and space. (laughter)
Patty: When you see life as suffering, then you go withing.
Paula: It is like running out of breath and you have to inhale.
What happens when you have to do something all by yourself--and no one comes to help? Here are three options:
1. Be frustrated and complain;
2. Thank others for not helping so that you can take all the credit;
3. Be grateful, pray deeply, and know that you will get all the energy needed to do it alone. There is only one Doer.
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“Love, joy, bliss, compassion, beauty and enthusiasm - all make up the spirit. Enlivening these is spirituality.” SRI SRI...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
In the Solitude of the Self
Shiva is called Chandrashekhara, which means the mind that is in Shiva (transcendence) and is always above the peak.
People run after parties and celebrations, but for the one who does not run after them, parties and celebrations follow him wherever he goes.
If you run after parties, loneliness comes to you;
If you are in the solitude of the Self, parties sorround you.
“Do not follow me. In fact, you can't follow me, because I am behind you. I am behind you to Push you forward” SRI SRI...
In the Solitude of the Self
Shiva is called Chandrashekhara, which means the mind that is in Shiva (transcendence) and is always above the peak.
People run after parties and celebrations, but for the one who does not run after them, parties and celebrations follow him wherever he goes.
If you run after parties, loneliness comes to you;
If you are in the solitude of the Self, parties sorround you.
“Do not follow me. In fact, you can't follow me, because I am behind you. I am behind you to Push you forward” SRI SRI...
See the Divine
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“When we are Joyful, we do not look for perfection. when you are looking for perfection then you are not at the source of joy” SRI SRI...
Annihilate Conflict
When your survival is at stake, you don't complain that nobody loves you. But when you are safe and secure, you start demanding attention. Many people create conflict in order to get attention.
Ask yourself this question: Do you seek harmony in every situation, or do you seek to widen the differences and prove your righteousness?
The seed of negativity and the tendency for conflict in you can be annihilated only by sadhana.
“When you can see the whole world through the eyes of the Master, it is a sign that you have come to the Master; you have entered the door. This is the purpose of having a Master.” SRI SRI...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Whether You Win or Lose
Sri Sri : Whether you win or lose an argument with me, you are still laughing. Why?
Because you have a total sense of belonging. WIth a sense of belonging, real play happens; winning or losing is irrelevant.
Normally, what happens to you when you lose an argument? You get sad and upset, hurt and angry. But whether you lose or win an argument with me, you are still happy. How come?
There is the sense of belonging;
Your love stands out above everything else (like perfection, comfort, desires, etc);
You put the "Being" before the happening;
Your confidence is in the ultimate good.
Can you have this same attitude with everyone?
Krishna's life was full of conflicts, yet he kept smiling and dancing. May you dance through all the conflicts and contribute to this planet.
“When you see this whole flow of events as temporary, as non-existent, then, even when someone scolds at you, you smile..” SRI SRI...
The Well-Baked Pot
During Satsang that evening, a devotee presented a beautiful handcrafted pot to Sri Sri. Another devotee gave a bouquet of roses. Placing the bouquet into the pot, Guruji said,
"If the pot is well-baked, then it will hold the flowers."
Then a gift of sweets was given to Sri Sri, who added,
"When you flower, the sweets come to you."
Then came another box of sweets-Sandesh brand- and Guruji concluded,
"This is today's sandesh."(Sandesh is Hindi word for message)
“Have you ever been proud of Love? Be proud of Love that Nature is giving to you, the Divine is giving to you, people are giving to you.” SRI SRI...
jai gurudev
The Fall that Rises
In the world, only a few can notice your inner growth and height, but your outer expressions are apparent.
Never brood that people don't understand you. They can see only your expressions!
“Why are you sad? Why are you sorrowful? Its because of your carving, you are holding on to the past- a memory of carving from the past creates sadness now .” SRI SRI...
Jai gurudev.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Vivek means discrimination--the Knowledge that everything is changing.Time and again you have to reawaken to this--that the world, people, your body, your emotions, are all constantly changing.
When you experience sorrow, understand that vivek has been overshadowed.
Question: What am I here for?
Sri Sri Find out you are not here for
1. You are not here to blame;
2. You are not here to cry;
3. You are not here to sleep;
4. You are not here to show off;
5. You are not here to fight;
6. You are not here to be miserable;
7. You are not here to be angry;
8. You are not here to worry.
When you follow fun, misery follows you...
When you follow Knowledge, fun follows you.
Source of action is thought, Source of thought is yourself. Whatever thought you encourage about yourself, that is the direction taken... " SRI SRI...
Jai Gurudev
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Knowledge and Faith
For example, the knowledge of pesticides and chemical plan fertilizers came through science, and people had faith in them; all over the world they have been used. Then another knowledge came that these were not good and the faith shifted to organic farming. The same with antibiotics.
A particular knowledge brought faith, yet when the knowledge changed, then the faith also changed. The knowledge and faith of science is from an isolated "happening" instead of from a fully blossomed knowledge of life.
In spirituality, faith is first and knowledge comes later. Like Sudarshan Kria, pranayama, yoga asanas, and meditation -- first you have faith and then knowledge follows. For example, if you do pranayama faithfully, then you get the knowledge of prana; if you do your meditation faithfully, then you get the knowledge of consciousness follows. Even an illiterate person, through faith, attains deep knowledge.
Science considers even human beings as matter; spirituality considers even earth as mother, even rivers and mountains as living beings.
Science regards life as matter,Spirituality regards even matter as life.
"Life is not all about achieving. It is about contributing. What you contributed to the world or to the people around you? These questions will bring meaning to your life " . SRI SRI
Keep §miling
Jai Gurudev
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Abiding in the Self
I am the valentine of the whole world and I reside in every heart. If you are my valentine, you will see me everywhere.
Have the same love for everyone, with different flavors. You cannot behave the same way with everyone, but you can love all of them. Love transcends behavior and etiquette.
"Enligtenment is simple - that state where nothing can wipe the smile from the heart." SRI SRI.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Indebtedness or Abundance
Sri Sri: It is only money you lack? When you say you are indebted, that means you have received something! Otherwise how can you be indebted? Those who have received should feel indebted. Be thankful for having received. The more abundance you have, the more indebted you will feel. And when you feel indebted and grateful, more abundance comes to you.
Feel indebted. Feel grateful.
Then abundance grows.
Abundance and indebtedness coexist.
Someone in the group: An abundance of indebtedness!
Sri Sri : You think you are indebted, but you really are not. Yet it is better to feel totally indebted, because every bit of what you have doesn't belong to you anyway, including your body, for Knowledge, for things you have received, and for your own life, then you bask in the abundance of the Creator.
Someone in the group: I feel very indebted. Thank you!
P.S. The answer to day before yesterday's riddle is "advice" , which hangs like an orphan in space; the giver keeps on giving, with one to take....
"Love is the ultimate flowering & you can't force it to happen. Its a gift to you, its happening, a spontaneous phenomemnon." SRI SRI.
Overcoming Events
The events grow bigger while you remain smaller.
Say, for example, you are riding a motorbike on a busy street and in front of you another vehicle is emitting exhaust fumes.You have three options:
1. You can complain, somehow bear with it, and still follow the vehicle.
2. You can slow down or wait for some time to allow the vehicle to move far away from you.
3. You can use your skill, overtake the vehicle, and forget about it.
As in the first case, most of you stick on the events and are miserable, like inhaling fumes throughout your journey.In the second case, you don't get permanent relief, because another bigger vehicle might come in front of you. Running away from events is not the permanent solution.
Wise people use their skill to surmount the event. If the vehicle is in perfect condition, the skill is effective.
Conditioning the vehicle is sadhana--practice. And skill is the grace of the Guru.The mistakes you have made in the past have made you humble; you need not make mistakes in the future to become humble.
"How far to heaven? Just open your eyes and look. You are in heaven." SRI SRI.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Our Body: a Washing Machine
Our mind is like cloth.
Love is like pure water.
Knowledge is detergent.
Each lifetime is one wash cycle.
The mind comes into the body to get cleansed and pure. But if you put in mud instead of detergent, your clothes become dirtier than before. You will have to go on putting your clothes in the washine machine to get them cleansed. And the process repeats again and again.
Similarly, you will have many more births until you stop repeating the mistakes that you have made.
"If you are loving, then you are welcome everywhere you go and people are ready to do anything for you." SRI SRI.
How to Maintain Intimacy
What breaks intimacy?
- Ego or taking a position
- Desire
- Taking intimacy for granted
- Finding imperfection in oneself or others
- Expectations
- Insensitivity or over-sensitivity
- Lack of vivek or vairagya (discretion or dispassion)
- Judgements
- Grumbling or lack of gratitude
How can you maintain intimacy?
Intimacy is dissolving into infinity, which brings you to the moment. You go beyond the events.Look beyond the events, dissolve into infinity, and be in the moment.This is the way to maintain intimacy.
"Do not depend on arguments. Mystery is beyond argument, miracle is beyond arguments and Love is a miracle in life." SRI SRI.
Keep §miling
Jai Gurudev
Boredom and Sadhana
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sakha: Your Reliable Sense
World SelfSorrow(Dukha) <-----------Senses("Kha")-------------> Self Joy (Sukha)
Sukha is the nature of Self. And all sense objects are a diving board to take you back to the Self. You close your eyes in a pleasant experience: when you smell a flower, when you taste or touch something nice. Sukha is that which takes you to the Self.
Dukha is that which takes you away from the Self. Sorrow means that you have been caught in an object that has pulled you off your Self.
Sakha is the companion who is there for you in all experiences of sukha and dukha. Knowledge is your companion, and the Master is the embodiment of Knowledge. If you are stuck, in an object, his wisdom pulls you out and leads you back to your Self.Sakha also means He is the senses. Sakha is one who has become your senses. It means you get Knowledge through him; he is your sixth sense. As you trust your mind, so you trust him.
"Our first and foremost commitment in the world is to do seva -'service'." - SRI SRI.Ravishankar